June 30th 2024 9:00 - 3:00
Hodakas Only
MX Racing
Class (Women and under 16)
100cc Piston Port
100cc Reed
125cc Piston Port
Trail Bikes (Bikes with lights and Dirt Squirts)
Grand Prix
The racing and open track practice is AMA sanctioned so you must have a current AMA membership
card to race or purchase a single event membership - no exceptions. You can sign up for the AMA at Hodaka
Days, but we
encourage participants to sign up before
hand at www.ama-cycle.org.
All participants will need to sign a waiver. Minors will need an AMA
official waiver signed by all legal legal guardians. If the guardian(s) cannot
be present to sign the waiver in person, the signed waiver must be witnessed
and recorded by a licensed notary. If you need an AMA waiver to be notarized
for a minor, please send an email to info@hodakadays.org.
Also, all in attendance must sign a waiver. Minors
will need a waiver
signed by a legal guardian. If the guardian(s) cannot
be present to sign the waiver in person, the signed waiver must be witnessed
and recorded by a licensed notary. If you need a waiver to be notarized
for a minor, please send an email to info@hodakadays.org.

Days 2008 Grand Prix start
Photo courtesy of Ken Smith and VMX

the webmaster
Hodaka, PABATCO, and the Hodaka logo are trademarks of Hodaka parts, Inc.
Used with permission
Hodaka Club,LLC